Isnin, 8 Jun 2009 long i dont write a i want to tell that i'm so sad because my mom sick and she always say that she want to die.........i'm so sad when my mom say like that,i dont want to lost my i really love are my everything...when you gone i dont have anyone just my sister and my life will be chance when you gone mom...i dont want mom.....when mom say like that,its a same like my dad says to me before he die.....but my mom say life must be go on......

Selasa, 28 April 2009

my friend birthday

TODAY IS AIN BIRTHDAY.SHE NOW 19 YEARS OLD.AFTER THIS WE DONT HEAR SHE SAID HER OLD IS 18 HALF....................hehehehehehe,we singing a happy birthday song to her and she say thank you and she smile to everyone............. hApPy BiRtHdAy AiN..............

Jumaat, 27 Mac 2009

6 thing i treasure most in my life

Human have a treasure most in their life.Like me, I got six treasure most in my life.Firstly, is a bangle because its a presant gift from my mom.It's very valueble to me because given by our beloved one.Secondly, is a ring.Ring is treasure most in my life because the ring was bought on friendship basis.I buy at Bukit Merah with my sister Nini and my friends Nur'Ain.A ring have we buy, have a same form.Thirdly, is a laptop.Laptop is the one of the treasure most in my life because it is most expenses things that I ever bought and I buy with my own money.Fourthly, is my scooter because my mom buy to me to give me a easyness to me to go anywhere.Fifly, of definately is my handphone because handphone is very important in my life to contact my friends and someone else.The lastly the treasure most in my life is scarf because the scarf is a presant from my big brother in honour of Aidilfitri.

Isnin, 23 Mac 2009

What do I think about blogs

Blogs is a website we can write anything what we want.Blogs is fun when we do it.In the blogs we can put our picture and everyone can see and write what they write.Blogs also can't put a video what we loved or liked.Blogs can teach us how to improve a English.I really loved it.For a long time I life 21 years, this is first time I do and make a blogs about my self.When I do a English in the blogs it makes me happy and exuberant to do a blogs.It is a some of the way to make a English very good.I want to say thank you for Pn. Subashini because of she I will know about a blogs and to improve a English and we also know about a IT very well.

mY FirSt dAy At tHe CollEge....

JULAI 2008, first day at the college.I studying at Kulim Community College.I'm very nervous that time.I go to the college with my mum and my sister.First day at the college we must registration.That time I don't know someone there actualy my sister because my sister study with me too.After registration we have a briefing with Mister Hanif who are the executive of Kulim Community College.After that,at evening, we go to the Bendang Man for introdusing friends, lecturer and about Kulim Community College.We stay at Bendang Man 3 days and 2 night.At a first day I fell want to back home because it's not fun to me.After tomorrow we do many activities likes explorer,pocho-pocho and many things activities else.That times I really fun between at a first days.When I at the Bendang Man I get a new friends.I'm really happy....=)

HoW To mAKe oUr EnGlIsH cLaSS iNtEReSTiNg

We all knows, English class is boring.Sometimes it makes me fell to sleep.hehehehe.......sory teacher.......Even the reprented is very good but we dont have the intergrity to learn english, are useless.So this two side have to corprate.Firstly we do art in English, example singing, acting, speaking and extra.This will need a music, the student can bring their own c.d's to play the song they want, and change the lyrics to some good words of English and subject.Acting, find a hero heroin to act in your favourite movie.Use a good scrip, and use a lot of comedy and love story, I'm sure this will atract youngs teens.And for those who likes to speaking English, use a joke to present in the class.A good joke but must have the moral of the story by the end and this is how to make our English class interesting.

Ahad, 22 Mac 2009

Do We Need Examination? Why?

Yes, because exam is very important to people aspecialy to student. I sad that because when we do the examination we can improve in the subject what we learn or take about.For example, in subject English, we must do a blog to improve our English.For me that is a examination.Besides that, in examination we can improve our examination IQ.When we do exam we can remember what we do because we have learn or study very hard to pass a exam with flying colours. Examination is to move it someone into a next level because now when we go anywhere or wants to get a job we must get a good resault and that why we need a examination.

My aim for SPA 203

My favourite subject is English, at the beginning I'm not really good in English.Some of my friends, they laught at me and that time I only know yes,no,stupid,fine and another word but not all word I know.They always speak English infront of me.I can hear they talk about me, and the last words is stupid.I'm so sad and disapointed.And so one day,I reallize I need to do something and wake up from my own dreams.I try to find something that makes me to learn english,something will atract me, something fun, and enjoyable.Because of that I watch english movie, I read English comics, I sing English song from briney Spears, Pussy Cat Dolls.Any words I dont understand,I will have my oxford next to me, all the time I speak english with my beloved big sister, she's really good in english so I'm jeolous about that.Week after week, my english have an improvement even sometimes I got problem with my grammar,but atlist I can speak very well now.......I think so and I hope so.......=)

A Road Accident I've Met

1 April 2006 I get a road accident with my friend.That time my friend and I have finish a dinner at Nurha Restaurant Kelang Lama and want togo home.On the way we want to back home, suddenly I see in my back have a white lighten from a car in my back.I feel not good that time when I saw a light.Suddenly I fly like a cartoon power puff girl..........hehehehehe....and I was drag into a roud.Someone come to me and take me up into a 'devider'. After that I was faint and and they take me to the Hospital Kulim.My right shoulder is broken.When I out from the doctor room, my friend think I was dead because they says your accident is very awful.I very angry for them because think me dead but I peaceful to God because safe me at a accident.My friend is okey, nothing happen to him just injured..........=)


Today......I want to tell about my classmate.In my class have 13 student and have a different attitude.My class is very happy person.Always make a noise.........Sometimes lecture tired to stop us to silent the voice.......hehehehe...........Sometimes we like a child.......but we a kind and nice laaaa..........My class have a two boy and always bother us........but we understand them because they are just two boy in my class.......Who else they want to bother if not a girl in my class.......In my class have a funky person and always make everybody laught.......My class also together and take care when someone have a problem and also help another student when they do not know how to do a work.In my class have a sensitive person too and we in the same class have to take care our felling.Sometimes want to mad and sometimes they okey........that all about my classmate...=)

My favourite fruit

My favourite is a Apple.Apple have a two nature,it's have a red and green colour.Betwwen red apple and green apple I prefer to green apple because green apple taste like a little bit sour and sweet.I like apple fruit because can do a apple juice.Her taste is very nice.I realy like it.Green apple is good to do a juice between a red apple.That is just my opinion okey...........Apple also have a vitamin.When I eat a apple I will take a little bit of salt and I eat with apple.It's very nice........=)

the best birthday gift I get

The best birthday gift I get is my scooter.That is the one gift is very special to me because when my father pass away I never get a present again.Before my father gone I always get a present.I really proud have a dad like my father.When my mum give me a scooter I really happy because I never get a birthday gift like mum give to me.I promise to my mum to take care a scooter.I LOVE YOU MUM............Thanks mum......I really appreciate you you and you really understand me what I want.Now I get what I want......=)

Ahad, 15 Mac 2009



1 loaf of bread, 4 eggs, 2 tomato, 1 cucumber, pepper,salt, and butter.

Firstly, bould the eggs.Secondly put the eggs in a bowl, then put some pepper and salt. After that mash the eggs.Later, chop the tomatoes.Then put into the eggs and mix it well.Take some bread and spread butter on the bread.After that, slice the cucumber and tomatoes into thin slice.Take the bread that you have put the butter and then put the eggs on the bread.Then take a few slice slices of cucumber and put on the eggs.After that, take another pieces of bread and put top of the eggs and cut the edges of the bread to bread to make it beautiful.Cut the bread into half.Finally, put inside containar and cover with plastic.

Selasa, 10 Mac 2009

my baby

Baby its my cat name.I love my cat very much.I can recognise it because my friend,Umie and my sister,nini take baby at my neighbour house.Actually they want to steel another cat but baby come to they and they take baby home.Time they take a baby, it was really thin and smaller.My baby that time is not really cute but because I really love a cat I take care of her.When he grow up he look very cute and now he is really big between another cat.My cat eyes look like a cat in film cartoon shrek.Now its 4 year I take care of her.My baby its really playful.My baby its not like Umie because Umie always beat baby.When Umie come to my house baby will run away when baby see Umie.Baby its everything to me.................That all about my cat,daaa......dont forget to comment...............=)

Jumaat, 27 Februari 2009

Bukit Merah

Tomorrow i want to go to bukit merah with my friend,ain,nini,kak nurul,mun,fiza and safuan...... Ain brother go with us too because he is become our driver.......hehehehe........but we must support her....We dont care we want too go that place because we cant look orang utan,ecopark, and swimming...........Between us ain is very excited want too go there.I'm very happy....... hahahahahaha................okey thats all....Tomorrow Never Die.....

Jumaat, 20 Februari 2009


My favourite lecture is Cik NurZahirah Bt Ghazali.I like her because she is pretty.She has a nice face.She is tall.Her skin is dark.She also stylish.I like to see the different weres when she were the scarf.We use to ask her to teach us how to werer the scarf.She is a kind hearted.She like to help people.She understand her student and thats why I like her.She used to spent us break fast during fasting month.She is not stingy.We all understand what she teaches in class.She is always patient with our behavior in class.She seldom scold us, insted she alwalys advice us to be good.She always smile and she is very soft spoken.Okey thats all about my favourite lecture.=)

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009


At thursday last week,I and my friend go to pacific to watching Geng Upin dan Ipin.Its really fun.I always laught in cinema.In cinema many kids watching that film.They laught very rapid..... When I watch the film I tell to my friend but they angry because they not watching that film yet....hehehehe......but ain and I have watch that film.We together story about that film again and then we together laught because we remember about a section of a play in that film.okey,that all.....bye...........

about yesterday

Yesterday I go to the Uitm.I go with college.We go there because we have a motivation about a sesuality teenager and healthy.Its really boring to hear a motivation.I wake up really morning at 5.30.........We finish a motivation at 2.00 a clock.Then I and my friend go to eat and after eat we back home..............okey that all about yesterday

Selasa, 10 Februari 2009

hai...............we meet again,today I want story about what I do today.Today I breakfast karipurf. Rohimah brought karipuft to me and also to are other friend.Now we break for a while.We study about to install UBS.This is first time I study UBS.UBS its diffucult because ubs have a many step to do.Futhermore,it is diffucult but it is fun because I learn something new.hahahahahaha.............Anothermore I in semester 2 now.different between semester 1 and 2 is semester 2 have a internet,hehehehe........but not to chatting but to write a blog and to study are UBS.Now my friend and I not to worry to go the internet cafe because my college have internet now.......if lecture give it la.................

Isnin, 9 Februari 2009

my personal life

Hai,my name is Siti Rohana Bt Abdullah.I'm new in here.This is first time i'm in blog.I live in Kulim Tmn Bersatu.I'm 20 years old.I have 2 brother and 2 sister.I'm study in Kulim Community College.I have a twins sister.Her name is Siti Rohani Bt Abdullah.We study together in a same place.We always fighting but it is fun to me.This is a third time I'm doing a blog because when I want to do always not connected.Okey,this is about me today....bye........